TurnosPR has options that allow the student, prospect or teacher to request a service from their cell phone for any of the offices of the Educational Institution. All this in order to streamline processes, provide a 5 star service allowing an organized, fast and quality service.

Learn more about what TurnosPR provides for the education industry.
Integrated system
Complete interactive shift system.
It is user-friendly and configurable for any office.
Service management
It handles multiple services and distributes to different stations.
Updated information
With our self-registration system you will be able to have updated contact information.
Text messaging
Alerts the user that his turn is near and when his turn arrives.
The system will provide statistical reports that will be used to evaluate the service offered.
Customer satisfaction level
Our survey will help you quickly find out what your students think of the service provided.
Special Features
Card Reader or Bar Code Scanner for a quick registration process.
Integration to the Student System for student authentication.
Integration to the Student System for data entry reduction.
Ability for the student to check out from the classroom.
Ability to put your turn on Hold and be served afterwards.
Video Call integration capability to maintain contact with the student.
Documents can be imported into the Student System attached with the appointment.
Integration of appointments for exams.
Capacity control in computer rooms. Reservation of available computers is allowed.
Ability to offer virtual exams with artificial intelligence to detect inappropriate behavior during test taking.
Single Sign On.
Let's start now!
At TurnosPR we will guide you to improve the service experience for your customers.